Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Me Love 9gag

 Hello guys! i found a cool web to reduce bad feeling during your work. Yes it is!  . I'll try to make some review based on my opinion :)

Start googling on my desk *i am not in the middle of deadline!*

"9GAG is an image based comedy website owned by Ray Chan and Chris Chan, hosted in the United States . The website, launched in 2008,has become “the funniest yet simplest platform for you to publish or collect funs.” The website was launched in Hong Kong but is now hosted in America and has users on an international scale." 

"9GAG is a public website where any registered user can upload ‘gags’. A gag is “a joke or an amusing story or scene, especially one forming part of a comedian’s act or a film or play.”  In this case, it is an image of (usually) humorous, sarcastic, or mocking nature, much like a comic. The subject matter often revolves around popular TV shows, internet fads, media, and gossip. Once images are uploaded and available, users are able to vote for the images under the section entitled “Vote”. The "Vote" page allows users to like, dislike or comment on a gag. If a gag receives enough votes, it is moved to the section called “Trending”, a page where users can continue to vote on the images. If the gag gets enough positive votes (likes) on the “Trending” page, it will then appear on the main “Hot” page. On the “Hot” page, users can like the post or comment; the gag will no longer be able to be disliked. The website consists of two types of layout: “Fun” and Fast”; both layouts allow users to spend quality time on the website but the “Fast” layout allows users to browse through the posts more efficiently and conveniently"

copy and paste from - Wikipedia.

here my opinion:
I knew this web from my friend on my office, Eka. She always open the web and always laugh during office hour. And i think, this web is really interesting. I really enjoy every post. sometime i can't get the point, but mostly, i always laughing when i read the posts.

There are many character here. Till i write this post, i can't remember all of them. but i always love Forever Alone. He is a lonely man, who never have some body to love, to talk, to play and to have something fun. Even a mirror -__-"

I don't know, but for me, this web is really cool. I can laugh while doing my deadline in my office, Aneka Yess! Magazine and Keren Beken tabloid. But, i think the post will be not funny when you are not in the middle of deadline, he he he ...

Just visit and get crazy about it! Enjoy it guys! Just relax and laugh all day long :D

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